How to attract girls...

Many of us are tired of trying to attract girls , as you were seeing couples on roadside , parks , theatres ..beautiful girls are choosing average looking boys ..its looks like girls never mind about appearance, however small things in appearance may help you more .follow these tips to be a hero in your college .
Tip1. Always try to be active
As every girls likes a person who is always active and smily face whether hez black or handsome.
To be active wake up early in the morning and take light food .
Tip2 Dressing style
Good dressing makes miracle , try to select dress which fits you most , don't wear funky styles it may damage your looks , As many girls likes boys with good dressing style
Tip3 Sense of humour
This is important tip to attract girls everyone likes person with good sense of humour , crack funny jokes and not of non veg jokes which ruins image among girls. And ever make anyone hurt by your jokes.
Tip4 Hairstyle
Next tip comes with hairstyle , most of girls concentrate on hairstyle of boys , so try different and decent hairstyle , look may affect by hairstyle. .
Don't follow girls , let girls to follow you ;) enjoy guys